At QCE TUTORS, our mission is to provide high-quality educational services to students of all ages and backgrounds. We believe that education is the key to unlocking a brighter future for all.
Our team of experienced educators are passionate about teaching and have a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields. They are dedicated to helping students succeed and reach their full potential.
We understand that every student is unique and has their own learning style. That's why we offer personalized learning plans tailored to each student's individual needs and goals.
The QCE Tutors FAQ section is an excellent resource for students and parents who may have questions about the company and its services. The section answers frequently asked questions, such as how to get started with tutoring, what to expect from the first session, and how to cancel or reschedule.
At QCE Tutors, we offer tutoring in a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to IB Mathematics, Specialist Mathematics, Mathematical Methods, General Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English and more. If you're unsure whether we offer tutoring in a particular subject, please contact us, and we'll be happy to let you know.
Starting in 2024, QCE has introduced combined Mathematics and English excellence classes offered on the week-end at $80 for 3 hours. These are small group classes with two hours of Mathematics and one hour of English. The English teacher provides all materials and focuses on narrative or persuasive writing and spelling tests according to the Queensland curriculum. Similarly, the mathematics teacher also provides tutorials using Queensland curriculum.
All of our tutors are highly qualified and experienced in their respective subjects. We only hire tutors who have completed tertiary studies in their field and have a proven track record of academic success. Our tutors undergo rigorous screening and training before working with our students.
Yes, we offer both face-to-face and online tutoring options to cater to the needs and preferences of our clients. Our online tutoring sessions are conducted via a video conferencing platform that allows for real-time interaction between the student and the tutor.
Yes, we provide a range of study materials and resources to help our students succeed. These include practice exams, worksheets, study guides, and other materials tailored to each student's individual needs and learning style. Additionally, we offer access to a variety of external resources such as academic journals, educational websites, and online tools to supplement our tutoring services.
Each tutoring session is two hours long. We have found that this duration provides the best balance between covering the necessary material and allowing time for questions and discussion.
How many students are in each tutoring session? Our tutoring sessions have around 2 to 10 students per session. This ensures that each student receives personalized attention from the tutor and has ample opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback.
Each tutoring session costs $55. We understand that education can be costly, which is why we strive to offer our services at a reasonable price. Our goal is to make high-quality tutoring accessible to everyone.
We accept upfront online payments at the time of the tutoring session. We also offer the option to pay online through our store, where you can securely pay with your credit card or PayPal account.
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